Eye and vision care is what Dyson and Long are all about, and that care begins with thorough eye examinations by highly qualified optometrists. We allow a minimum 30 minutes for standard comprehensive eye examinations, which include a complete review of your eye and vision health, as well as discussing and prescribing treatment options where appropriate. These examinations will include assessment for any possible eye diseases, as well as accurately measuring and analysing vision.
In addition to these standard sevices, Dyson and Long are equipped to provide a large range of more specialised investigations when indicated.
Services include:
- Computerised Visual Field Analysis
- Corneal Topography
- Retinal and External Digital Photography
- Optic Nerve Laser Polarimetry
- Corneal Pachymetry
- Ocular Coherence Tomography
These technologies are used where clinical findings suggest they may be of assistance in the diagnosis or management of particular patients.
Many other procedures and services are also available at our clinics*, including assessment and treatment of eye injuries, eye infections and many common eye diseases. We also offer vision screenings for all ages, colour vision analysis, childrens’ vision assessment, and contact lens prescribing including specialty lens types.
* Some services not available at remote visit locations